An inventor in China turned his boyhood dreams of driving around without getting out of bed into a reality after he fully motorized his bunk.
Gu Yupeng, from Kunming in southwest China, used his skills and technical know-how to make a joystick-controlled bed with wheels – or a ‘bed car’ as he likes to call it.
Like many good ideas, Yupeng’s plan for his car bed came about as he attempted to find a solution to a specific problem: not wanting to get out of bed.
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It all started with a childhood dream
In an interview with CGTN last June, he said: “When I was a child, I was always reluctant to get up early for school.
“Then I thought: ‘If only I could go to school without leaving my bed.’ I just tried to make this wish come true when I was able to.” Dreams can – and do – come true.
Yupeng grew up with a keen interest in cars and, in 2015, managed to create his first wooden structure vehicle.
I’m not quite sure if it was enough to rival the man who hand-crafted his own wooden Cybertruck, but nonetheless, Yupeng was hooked.
He spent the following years building and designing various vehicles – largely relying on trial and error to get things right.
He explained: “It calls for expertise to match the controllers, batteries, and motors of an electric car. In the beginning, as I had little knowledge on it, I would burn out five or six motors before finishing one vehicle.”
Through the setback, Yupeng held onto his vision, and just last year he finished off – and showcased – his somewhat unbelievable, amphibious bed car.
To keep his costs down, Yupeng disassembled some of his other creations and reused parts, meaning it was also a sustainable project.
The car bed could have a practical use
Although it may have stemmed from a childhood thought, Yupeng thinks it could actually be useful in real-life situations.
“It’s mainly for entertainment,” he told the news outlet.
“But as many suggest, it can also be used for different occasions, like maritime rescues or flood-fighting missions.”
And if that doesn’t pan out, I bet you they’d be a top seller for university students.
Bizarrely, Yupeng isn’t the first person to turn their bed into a ‘car’ – a YouTuber recently pulled off a similar project.
Fancy getting creative? These five DIY hacks will make your car look a lot more expensive than it is.
The post Chinese man invented a bed car to prolong his sleep appeared first on Supercar Blondie.